السبت، 7 يناير 2012

How to Set Up a Business and Still Have a Life

One of the perennial problems of modern life is finding time to do everything. When you've factored in work, childcare, domestic chores, preparing food, travel, personal grooming, dealing with bills and dealing with people, it's amazing we've got time to breathe, let alone do anything else. So where, in this whirlwind of a life, do you find time to set up a business?

Well, it's surprising, but if you really want to do something, you'll find time to do it. Maybe not much, but if you're serious about setting up a business, I guarantee you that you'll be able to find half an hour a day to work on it. No matter how many small children you have, or how long a commute you have, or how busy you are during the day (or night). Half an hour's not much, but you can still get a surprising amount done if you put your mind to it.

My best tip for finding time? Stop watching television.

Seriously, stop watching television. Did you know the average person watches 21 hours of television a week? If that's you, think of what you could do if you cut your TV watching time down to half its current level. Think of what you could do if you cut it down to nothing and you had 21 hours a week to do something else (like work on your business!).

Can't bear the thought of giving up TV? Try getting up an hour earlier, or going to bed an hour later.

If you're spending too much time on chores such as housework, cooking dinner, ironing or gardening, then you have three options:

Streamline the process - e.g. spend a couple of hours cooking up a batch of food to freeze. You can then quickly warm something up in the microwave rather than starting from scratch.

Drop your standards - e.g. hoover once a week instead of twice. Do you really need to iron everything? (Do you really need to iron full stop?) Frozen pizzas, or fish and chips for dinner once in a while isn't going to hurt anyone.

Outsource - if you can afford it, hire a cleaner, or a gardener and let them do it. If you can't afford it, can you bribe your partner or kids to take on some more domestic chores? (You should be sharing them out anyway, seriously. Don't ever be a martyr - you'll get no thanks!).

If you commute by train or bus, you can use that time to write, or read business books or listen to podcasts onto your iPod or mp3 player. You can also burn podcasts onto CDs for playing in the car.

If you have a partner, could you ask them to take over more of the childcare/petcare/ housework/delete as appropriate? Could they take the children out to the park on weekends for an hour or two to give you time to work on your business? Talk to them about your goals and aspirations and get them on the same page.

If you don't have a partner, are there friends with whom you could swap childcare for
an afternoon or an hour or so at the weekends?

Even if you only have 15 minutes a day to spend on your business, in that quarter of an hour you could:

- Buy a domain name
- Write a rough business plan
- Sign up for a Twitter or Facebook account for your business
- Write a post for your blog

Do a little bit every day and you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll get things done.

Want more information and advice on setting up a home-based business?

Go to http://www.domestic-entrepreneur.com to download your FREE eBook 'How To Start A Business When You've Got No Time (Or Money)' and sign up for the 7 day FREE e-course 'Kickstart Your Home-Based Business'.

Domestic Entrepreneur is the one-stop information website for anyone who wants to start earning an income from home, for whatever reason.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Celina_Lucas

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6799961

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